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Animal sacrifices and Animals That Allow Eaten

Feb 12, 2013

Animal sacrifices and Animals That Allow Eaten

The Book Game, Animal sacrifices and Animals That Allow Eaten
  1. 1. Hunting with dogs trained
 Adi bin Hatim narratives ra., He said:    I asked: O Messenger of Allah! Actually I take hunting dogs are trained and the dogs were caught hunting for me and I've read bismillah? Answer: If you take your dog trained while the name of Allah over it, then eat it! I ask again: Although the dog was killed? The Prophet replied: Even though the dog had been killed, as long as no other dog that accompanies it. I ask again: Surely I speared prey and successfully about it? He replied: If you menombaknya then through him, then eat. But if the spear is about to the side, then do not eat it. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3560)

Hadith narrated by Abu Al-Tsa `spider Khusyani ra., He said:
I went to the Messenger of Allah. then asked: O Messenger of Allah! Indeed we are in the land of the People of the Book so eat using their dishes. I also was in a spot of hunting, I hunt with my arrow or by using pemburuku dogs that have been trained or untrained. Explain to me what is lawful for us of all that? He replied: The question you mentioned when you were in the land of the People of the Book that ye eat their plates. If you can get in addition to their dishes so do not eat with their dishes. But if you can not get another, then wash their plates and eat with it. As for the question you mentioned that you're hunting in a spot of hunting, so what you get with panahmu, call the name of Allah and eat first. And what do you get with a dog trained pemburumu, then call it but the name of Allah and then eat. And what you get with an untrained dog pemburumu then you could kill it (sembelihlah first) and then eat!. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3567)

2. If animal humps disappear and then found again    Hadith narrated by Abu Tsa `spider ra.:
    From the Prophet. He said: When you throw a panahmu (to the game) and then it disappears, and    then you get it again, then eat for not rot. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3568)

3. Eat any unclean beast with fangs and every bird claws
Hadith narrated by Abu Tsa `spider ra., He said:
Prophet. prohibit eating fanged beast. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3570) 

4. Mubahnya marine animal carcasses    Hadith Jabir bin Abdullah ra history., He said:
Prophet. we sent Abu Ubaidah ra and raised. as a leader to intercept the caravan of Quraysh. He equips us with a bag of dates because they do not find another stock and Abu Ubaidah ra. also gave each of us a date. Then I asked: What do you all do with a date that? He said: We sucked it up like a kid sucking then we drink water in it until it is sufficient for us from day to night. Then we banged our sticks to the leaves and then we were wet with water for us to drink. Later we headed to the sea, there appeared to us like a huge sand dune. Then we immediately went to him and it turns out he is a marine animal called a whale. Abu Ubaidah ra. said: This fish is so carcass (we can not eat it). Then he said again: It's okay, we are messengers of the Prophet. in the way of Allah while you all in a tight squeeze, then eat! We then numbering 300 people lived there for a month until we became fat. He said: I have witnessed, we hold the water where fish oil that comes out of his hole and cut up the meat of deer or bison. Then Abu Ubaidah ra. take 13 people among us were ordered specifically to pierce his eyes and he also took one of the fish's rib. Then he weighed the big camel for us to transport it and she walked under it (while leading), and we can be armed with the meat that had been soft-boiled. When he arrived in Medina, we immediately see the Messenger of Allah. to mention it to him. Then he said: It is a fortune that God has given you all. Any remaining flesh on you all to give to us? Then we were sent some meat to the Messenger of Allah. then he ate it. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3576)

5. Haram eating donkey meat pets
Hadith narrated by Abu Tsa `spider ra., He said:
Prophet. donkey meat forbid pets. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3582)
Narratives of Ibn Umar.:
The Messenger of Allah. prohibit pets eating donkey meat. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3583)

Narratives of 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa ra.:
From Syaibani he said: I asked 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa about Pet donkey meat and he replied: Disaster famine hit us with the Messenger of Allah. on the day of the battle of Khaibar when we have managed to capture some of the donkeys they were out of Medina and then we kill it immediately. When our pots containing animal flesh was boiling, suddenly uttered an exclamation messenger Prophet.: Pour pots and donkeys do not eat meat at all! Did he mean this prohibition? Then we were talking to each other in between us so we concluded he mengharamkannya for good and for sure and he is also forbidden because it could not be shared fifth. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3585)
Narratives of Ibn Abbas., He said:
I do not know whether the Prophet. banned just because the animal as an animal for human porters that he did not want to transport their animals out (eaten) or whether he forbids pets donkey meat was only on the day of Khaibar alone?. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3591)
Salamah ibn Akwa narratives `ra., He said:
We shared the Prophet. went to Khaibar. Then God was pleased to conquer the Muslim army's victory. On the evening of the day when Khaibar had been conquered, many Muslims who lit the fire to ask the Prophet.: Are these fires, for if ye turn? They said: To cook meat. Prophet. asked again: Meat is it? They replied: pet donkey meat. Then the Messenger of Allah. He said: Pour cooking it and solve periuknya! A man asked: O Messenger of Allah, or simply we spill its contents, then we wash periuknya? Prophet. replied: Or so is allowed. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3592)
Hadith Anas history., He said:
When the Messenger of Allah. had conquered Khaibar, we gained some donkeys outside the hamlet. Then we cooked some of the meat. A spokesman called the Prophet. announced: Know that Allah and His Apostle forbid you to eat the animal, because it was dirty perbuatang, including the devil. You instantly pots containing animal food shed. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3593)

6. Regarding eating horse meat    Hadith Jabir bin Abdullah ra history.:
That the battle of Khaibar, the Prophet. prohibit eating donkey meat and allowed to eat horse meat. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3595)

Asthma narratives ra., He said:
At the time of the Prophet., We slaughter a horse, and then we eat it. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3597)

 7. It may take some lizards

Narratives of Ibn 'Umar., He said:
Prophet. was asked about animal lizard and he answered, 'I do not like to eat it, but I do not mengharamkannya. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3598)

Narratives of Khalid bin Walid ra.:
That he was with the Messenger of Allah. Maimunah come home, wives of the Prophet ra. which also still includes her aunt and aunt of Ibn Abbas. In his house, he (Khalid) got baked lizard meat, a gift from his Maimunah, Hufaidah bint Harith from Najed. The meat is then served to the Prophet. because it was not notified, then the Messenger of Allah. and held out his hand about to eat it. At that moment a woman who happened to be at home Maimunah said: Tell the Prophet. what you suguhkan to him that. They then said: That lizard meat, O Messenger of Allah! Immediately Prophet. withdrew his hand. Then Khalid bin Walid asked: Is it haram lizard, O Messenger of Allah.? Prophet. answer: No, but in the nation, the meat was not there and I do not like to eat it. Khalid said: Then I pick up and eat it, while the Messenger of Allah. saw and did not forbid. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3603)

Narratives of Ibn Abbas., He said:
My aunt, Umm Hufaid giving a gift to the Prophet. such as cumin oil, cheese and bacon lizards. Cumin oil and cheese and meat he ate biawaknya let him because he was disgusted. The meat was ever served on the dining table of the Prophet. Then if the meat is forbidden, so the meat will not be served at the dinner table Messenger of Allah .. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3604)

 8. Should not take grasshoppers
Narratives of 'Abdullah bin Abu Aufa ra., He said:
I go to war with the Prophet. seven wars and we always eat grasshoppers. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3610)

 9. It may take some rabbits

Hadith Anas bin Malik, may Allah be history., 
When we passed the Dhahran area, we saw a rabbit hopping run. The companions of the chase to catch him, but to no avail. Then I tried to catch it and it worked. Then I met Abu Talha, carrying the animal, and then we kill it. The groin animal was sent to the Prophet. and I took some of the meat to the Messenger of Allah. and he accepted it. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3611)

 10. May hunt using tools and makruh using slingshots

Abdullah bin Mughaffal narratives ra.:
From Ibn Buraidah, he said: Abdullah bin Mughaffal saw a man was hunting with a friend using a slingshot, and he said: Do not use a catapult, for indeed the Messenger of Allah. hate, (or say: ban) (hunting with) catapults, for surely such a device can not turn off game and not be able to destroy the enemy. But he can only break the teeth and blinding. After that he (Abdullah) saw his friend was using a slingshot again. So he said: I tell you that indeed the Messenger of Allah. hate it or hunt with a slingshot. But I saw you do it twice, it will not talk to you like this, you know. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3612)

 11. Prohibition stake livestock
    Hadith Anas bin Malik, may Allah be history., He said:    Prophet. prohibit livestock stake. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3616)

Narratives of Ibn Umar.:
Ibn Umar passed a group of people stake a cock for their arrows. When they saw Ibn Umar them crumbled, leaving the animal. Ibn Umar then asked: Who did this? Verily the Messenger of Allah. curse people who do this. (Saheeh Muslim, No.3618)